Jul 4, 2017
Series: James
Today we begin an extension from the recent Open Door series by looking at the book of James.  James is one of the most practical letters in the New Testament, dealing with a variety of issues that Christians in the first century struggled with as well as most Christians today.  In the opening section of James, the author addresses head on how to maintain and deepen our faith in the midst of the struggles in this world. 
  • Jul 4, 2017James
    Jul 4, 2017
    Series: James
    Today we begin an extension from the recent Open Door series by looking at the book of James.  James is one of the most practical letters in the New Testament, dealing with a variety of issues that Christians in the first century struggled with as well as most Christians today.  In the opening section of James, the author addresses head on how to maintain and deepen our faith in the midst of the struggles in this world.